Jul 6, 2023
The summer, we had the amazing opportunity to help Reinaldo
Villa build a new no gi BJJ gym here in Bastrop. We’ve spent the
last few weeks using our business experience to put it all
together, supporting Rei’s vision, creating a brand, and turning an
empty room into a functioning gym. It’s been an enormous project,
and we are so excited to have opened our doors on Monday to a
heartwarming flood of guys and gals from gyms all over the area
welcoming us to the community. Check it out at airlockbjj.com
Also on this episode: hear about Tyler's Dad-urday (no children
required), trying to stay minimalist in our new house, and a wild
motorcycle ride!
Wild Hixsons Instagram: @wildhixsons Facebook YouTube Podcast Strangers Worth Meeting Instagram: @thixsonlife Podcast YouTube Newly Nomads Documentary Instagram: @newlynomads Facebook American Jiujiteira Documentary Instagram: @americanjiujiteira